Efdemin – New Atlantis

Much like the post I did this morning (well, it was this morning in my world, but it will be about ten days later in yours), this is one I played alot during the lockdown WFH year and a half, and is not that far away sonically either, perhaps a bit more up-tempo at times and definitely a bit more varied. Still absolutely perfect for not-at-all-boring librarian work though. Very easy to get lost in.

Araceae – Resonance Of The Absolute

This was on my speakers regularly back during the working from home days of the pandemic, but I forgot about it until recently. Don’t know what sparked my memory, I hadn’t heard anything from it on t’radio or nowt, although its possible that some of the more ambient shows reminded me of the vibe. Anywho, here we are.

So this one does that ambient techno thing, and does it really well. Also, if you buy it, you get the tracks separately but you also get the whole album as one continuous track.

Kasra V – The Window EP

kasra v

The positives of working from home. Once I got over the initial connecting to my institution’s systems, I started cranking out some tunes. Much better to listen to music on semi-decent speakers whilst you work than headphones; they cramp my ears after a while. Also, No worries about nearby colleagues telling me to turn that racket down.

This is an electronic racket, albeit not hard work for the uninitiated. Reminds me of certain 90s dance peeps I sometimes still listen to – not exactly unadjacent to Banco de Gaia, for example, though contemporary stuff like Octo Octa also springs to mind.

It’s only an EP, so my one criticism is that it ain’t long enough. I could quite easily have an album of this.


Cremation Lily – Radiance and Instability

cremation lily
The word ‘myself’ implies that the self is a possession. Discuss.
Reality is very close to the ultimate illusion; very few people question it.
Don’t try to engage my enthusiasm on a Monday. My enthusiasm spends the day in its bed. It likes long weekends.
Words are a lot like statistics. You can use them to prove anything. You can also use them to disprove anything.
Is that really my mind? It looks so unfamiliar from the outside.