One Dog Clapping – Influx Arena

inverted cover 1600

It was just as well I did the artwork before the lockdown, innit? Said artwork was done before the final mixing. This thing has taken me longer than I was expecting as it was.

Its follow up would, in normal circumstances, be out pretty soon after. Until I can get back to work to scan in the artwork, though, ain’t nothing happening. Of course, I have to draw that first…

There’s sort a theme. There’s always a theme, with me. Otherwise it would just be YAFODCA.


Sula Bassana – Brainwash


The funny thing about working from home is that when you have a ‘holiday’ and then return to work, it feels… weird. Still, it was some kind of normal in a way – I had 473 emails awaiting. Most were on librarian lists debating various librarian things, which I’ll have you know is not at all uninteresting. I dare you to disbelieve me.

Well, maybe they’re a bit uninteresting.

Still, there were a significant amount require that I actually do stuff, usually involving spreadsheets. Thank the lord or whoever it is you usually thank for the always reliable Sula Bassana, he of Electric Moon, and his almost neverending plethora of mighty music adding to his/their bandcamp.

I’m sure its just as good without editing spreadsheets. (I hope he uses that as a quote…)


Muslimgauze (untitled)


You may find this hard to believe, but once upon a time, there was a period we inhabitants called ‘the nineties.’ They were times, really they were. There was a lot of music made in these times, and life has later taught me that I didn’t get to hear it all then, either, so today is nothing new to me.

I didn’t get to hear Muslimgauze back in the day; never even heard of them. Having said that, I think I’d have been down with this as it would not have been out of place on something like the Crooklyn Dub Consortium compilations, which were woozy as all get go, just like this is.

Because these are also times, this was re-released last year by a label in Russia, because of course it was.